'Subscribe if you haven\'t already! Judgements are not allowed here. The way I look at this haul is that they will last me awhile because I won\'t use a lot for a bath. And now I can shop on the website and spend more money. I can\'t wait to take my first bath with these bath bombs and bubble bars. Any suggestions on other Lush products I should try? Products Shown: Bath Bombs Phoenix Rising | $6.95 Sex Bomb | $6.65 Space Girl | $5.25 Pink Bath Bomb | $4.95 Bubble Bars Dorothy | $6.25 Rose Jam | $6.25 Green | $5.95 Shower Scrubs Sample of Ocean Salt Till Next Time! xoxo Paula Harmon\'s Haul | Wet n Wild, Ultra Swim, Maybelline and More https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9bGHM43rko&list=UUfjC0nHcn9j7zVNTzCmJ7wg Major Sale Haul! Pink, Express and Bath & Body Works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXtaLpd3Oes&list=UUfjC0nHcn9j7zVNTzCmJ7wg Sephora Mini Haul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPWB-Tf2f1Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi! I\'m Paula. I am 21 years old and happily taken by my boyfriend for over 4 years. I love beauty and fashion. I have more make up than I know what to do with. I have more clothes than I do closet space and dresser draws. I am a Fine Arts major with a Teachers Certification with a minor in Psychology. I eventually want to save the world and make it a better place. I\'ve had my fair share of hard times and wonderful joyful times. I love to go to concerts, shows and raves. Peace, Love, Unity and Respect is what I live by. Strangers are friends you haven\'t met yet. I spread the love of PLUR where ever I go. I live everyday like it\'s my last. I was born into the wrong generation. I should have been born during the Woodstock era. I believe with a little bit of love, you can change the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram: @paulamarie_c Blog: http://paulamariec.blogspot.com Pintrest: http://www.pinterest.com/pbabyxo/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulamarie_c Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PBABYxo Tumblr: http://pbabyxo.tumblr.com Disclaimer: I do not sponsor any products mentioned. I buy everything with my own money. All opinions are my own.'
Tags: lush cosmetics , bath bomb , bath , cruelty free , bubbles , bubble bar , body scrub , salt scrub
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